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Nature Education Coaching

"Learning of the highest value extends well beyond measurable dimension. It can’t be fit into any curriculum or evaluated by any test. It is activated by experiences which develop our humanity. It teaches us to be our best selves."

– Laura Grace Weldon

Whether you are a parent, a home-school educator, or an alternative education provider, we offer individually tailored coaching to help expand your ideas and support you to make the best decisions possible for your child’s educational experience. Our coaching program begins with a 30-minute consultation in which we get to know you and your unique needs, before helping you to craft specific topic areas and goals for our future coaching sessions together.

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Nature Education Coaching: Welcome

Coaching Program

Parent Coaching

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Are you a parent who knows that your child would thrive being outside, and in a non-conventional educational environment, but you've still got a lot of questions about how nature education works? 


Or perhaps you need support working through any fears you may have about enrolling your child in alternative education so you can more easily make the transition.


We’re here to explore your concerns, share our knowledge, and support you and your child on your education journey!

Home-Schooler Coaching

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Do you already home-school your kids and you'd like to learn how to implement more time outside and harness your kids' natural curiosity into your curriculum? Are you hoping to take an emergent learning approach, but you aren’t sure where to start? Perhaps you want to unschool and support your child in their exploration and learning at their own pace entirely. 


This coaching program offers you a place to get support, learn specific tools, and ultimately provide your kid with a learning environment that helps them thrive.

Educator Coaching

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Are you an educator who would like to advocate for integrating nature education into your curriculum?

Whether you work at a charter or private school, we can support you in exploring the possibilities for expanding your approach within (and outside of) your classroom.


This coaching program can be a personal resource for you to expand your teaching philosophy and approach, or it can be brought on a larger scale into your school administration as a whole. 

Nature Education Coaching: Admissions
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Coaching Packages & Pricing

Following a free 30-minute consultation call, you will choose between 3, 6 and 12 coaching session packages. 

In each of these packages, we will provide structure and exercises to help meet your needs, as well as provide plenty of opportunity for you to explore and learn more organically with us as your guide. Much of what we offer you in these coaching sessions will mirror the process with which we engage our students!


Pricing Transparency: Our prices are set to reasonably reflect the time, expertise, and effort that goes into each and every coaching call. This includes 30+ years of teaching and parent education expertise, package conceptualization and planning, preparation work, administrative work, and website design and maintenance.

We are a two-woman team, here to support you in bringing your child’s educational dreams to life.

3 Session Package


We always begin with a 30-minute complimentary call to get to know you better and define our scope of work. In three sessions, we will typically focus on one goal and offer a handful of learning strategies as well as time to explore your unique barriers to offering optimal outdoor education to your child or students. 

We recommend this package if you already have quite a bit of clarity and just need a little boost or would like to understand more about enrolling your child in our program.

6 Session Package


After our 30-minute complimentary call, we will spend six sessions addressing 1-3 goals for you and your child’s learning experience, and you will be exposed to a menu of different learning techniques to try and receive coaching around.

We recommend this package if you would benefit from a bit more hands-on support and time to explore strategies, address challenges, and learn important philosophical and tangible skills. This package will help you to begin to integrate our learning model into your home-school curriculum or school.

12 Session Package


Following a 30-minute complimentary call, we will spend 12 sessions diving deep with you into the philosophical and practical elements of our RONE teaching strategy. You will be supported to address issues ranging from crafting curriculum, ensuring your child has opportunities to build social-emotional skills, engaging nature, and using play and creativity to revolutionize the way your child learns. 

We recommend this package if you want to get the most out of your learning, explore the opportunities and themes of outdoor education more fully, and receive a deeper level of support to implement your goals.

Nature Education Coaching: Admissions
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Yearly Membership Program


Interested in building community along with your knowledge?? Then our membership might be the perfect option for you. Rather than purchase a package of coaching calls, the membership allows you a 1:1 coaching call once a month for an entire year. Thus, not only will you come away with the deeper understanding and practical skills offered in our packages, you will also have the opportunity to build a relationship with us that’s really meaningful and supportive.


In addition to monthly coaching calls, you will gain access to our quarterly newsletters, which offer high-quality, outdoor educational project ideas and resources. And perhaps best of all, you will also gain access to our extended online community with opportunities to connect, network and share knowledge with other parents and educators.  

Our membership is all about learning together and connecting together with people from around the world. We look forward to having you join us!  

Nature Education Coaching: About Us
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