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Our Philosophy is Our Guide

At Rising Oak, we know that all aspects of children’s lives are integrated.

No one aspect is more important than another.

Children have social-emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual needs. Basing their exploration and learning outdoors, all of these needs are met together, side-by-side with caring adults who understand and respect them.


Children have imaginations and creativity that knows no bounds. Nothing ignites the imaginative mind quite like the natural world. Here at Rising Oak, children are encouraged to follow their creative threads and discover the magic in this world. We as adults get to rediscover that magic, right alongside them. 

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Philosophy: About Us
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Our Mission

Rising Oak Nature Education was founded to foster a deep relationship between children and the natural world. With Mother Nature as our classroom and mindfulness our guide, children develop perceptivity, respect and confidence in themselves, their community, and the natural world. 

RONE is guided in our mission by our core values: 

  • Emergent Curriculum: Student Driven Approach

  • Developmentally Appropriate Approach

  • Balance (of Spirit, Self, Mind)

  • Creativity in all forms

  • Inclusivity of all people, species, and environments

  • Mindfulness: Of our roots, our selves, and the beings around us.

  • Courage and Inner Strength

  • Wisdom learned, shared, and cultivated

Philosophy: Our Mission

Who We Are

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Amy Mohsin

Founder, Lead Educator

Amy is a 30-year educator with a passion for progressive education and the outdoors. These two passions come together perfectly for her next venture, Rising Oak!

She received her bachelor’s degree in Special Education at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Amy has taught in many educational settings, from public to private schools, special education as well as regular education classrooms, and homeschooling. 

While raising her own children, who are now grown and flown, she also started 2 progressive schools: The Indigo Program, a K-8 progressive school in San Jose, and Communitas Charter High School. Amy’s own children’s educational journeys took many paths and she is a firm believer in following the child’s lead.


Starting a ‘farm school’ was a years-long dream, and in 2020, Amy enthusiastically jumped in to nature schooling and never looked back. As an avid outdoorswoman, spending most of the day outdoors comes naturally, and she recognizes how grounded and happy kids are when they do the same. Rising Oak is the educational setting she was called to lead and teach in.

Amy is a trained Parent Educator, with certifications in Positive Discipline, Project Cornerstone, and STEP Parenting courses.

Tora Troop

Founder, Administrator, Lead Aide

 Tora's respect for education started when she was young, and became one of her guiding passions. After graduating from Santa Clara University with a Bachelors of Science in Sociology, Tora has worked with and for schools in varying capacities for 10 years. 

   From working with school districts throughout Kansas and South Dakota for an EdTech company, to working in various positions at a small, progressive elementary school, she has a passion for transformative education and the impact it has on students' lives. Tora is a lifelong animal lover who was fortunate to spend much of her childhood outside, and she knows the incredible value of learning in and with the natural world. 


   Tora is our resident animal steward. She's always sought out animals of all kinds, growing as a horsewoman since her first ride as a toddler, and worked as a large animal Veterinary Assistant for 3 years. She is excited to bring her knowledge of animals to the program, sharing it with students as part of the overall curriculum. She spends most of her free time alongside her dogs, horses, and one wily cat.

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Official Mascot, Grounding & Support

Phoenix is Tora's dog, and we're fortunate she gets to spend most days with us. She started her life as a stray on the Navajo Reservation in Fort Defiance, Arizona. She evaded rescuers for several months, but when she became a mom herself to 13 herding mix puppies, rescuers were finally able to capture her and her pups. She made her way to Best Friends Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah, where she healed from some longstanding injuries. She came home to Tora in May of 2014, and the rest is history. 

Phoenix carries many stories from those days within her, but one ultimate truth of hers is that she has always deeply loved kids. She is a patient, kind, intuitive soul, and her presence is a grounding force for the kids. Phoenix is an integral part of our team. 

Doreen Williams


Doreen volunteered to return to Art education this year, joining our kiddos two days a week to dive into all things art. She has donated her time and energy to teaching the kids different art techniques, theory, and skills they can leverage for their nature journaling and art projects moving forward. We are so grateful for her!

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Philosophy: Staff
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